Route Map | E-Bike School | Adopt the 5
Route Map
The largest non-profit project of the company is the development of the LA County electric thru-bike map. We aim to explore every neighborhood in the LA basin, SFV, and SGV to connect the most suitable long-distance electric bike routes. Our goal for this project is the achievement of a signed route network which achieves safe space for riders without necessitating major construction projects. The ability to keep pace on the streets without segregated bike infrastructure is the primary advantage of the electric bike.
• This is a major undertaking. The company is attempting to secure sponsorship to give us more time to survey further from home base.
• This is primarily a manual, on-site survey of the county’s roads, by bike. It will also be aided by GIS technology and crowd-sourcing.
• Once the map is complete it will be printed and distributed to area bike shops at no cost.
E-Bike School
Our GM, Dan has been riding his e-bike long distance in LA since 2015. He absolutely loves it and has picked up many tips and tricks which he is just dying to share with others. The company is currently exploring the establishment of a course to facilitate this.
• This project currently has no timeline, but is tentatively scheduled for mid-late 2021.
• It will be preceded by a series of “map my commute” videos.
Adopt the 5
Every two weeks, the company along with friends, family, and other volunteers descend on the west side of the 5 Freeway to pick up litter from the off-shoulder areas.
• This project is well underway. Further information can be found here.
• With the aid of friends and area residents, we’ve been helping to make an area freeway more pleasant and more litter-free for several months.